Jesus and the Blessed Mother said in Their messages that,
because love has been annihilated, unity cannot be achieved,
and, because of this, the sounds of humans screaming
to each other in sins turn into the pain-causing sounds
of wars and reach the skies, provoking God's wrath.
They also said that sinners will repent and the clergy
and the religious will achieve unity in love thanks
to Julia's suffering the pains of the crown of thorns,
the pains of crucifixion, the pains of fire flaming
up in the Sacred Heart, the pains of Fr. Andrew Dae-Gun
Kim's martyrdom, and the pains of reparation for abortions.
In one of her visions during the Holy Hour prayer meeting
in 1981, Julia saw the part of Jesus' clothes covering
His chest open and His Heart become visible and torn
apart and bleed miserably. She cried out loudly
without paying attention to people surrounding and watching
her: "Oh, Lord! My Lord! What can I
do about Your torn Heart?" Then, Jesus responded
with a loud voice: "My Heart becomes torn apart
mercilessly like this whenever people commit sins. I
want at least you who know Me to sew up My torn Heart."
Julia screamed loudly: "Oh, Lord! I
will sew up the Lord's torn Heart. I will sew
it up." Those who were around her also wept,
struck with awe and reverence.
Since then, Julia has been participating in the sufferings
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart
of the Blessed Mother caused by the sins committed by
the children in the world. She has been willingly asking
for more pains in order to practice charity and has
been living a consecrated life of self-denial, poverty,
and sacrifice. She kept on saying "
"No matter how unworthy I am and continuously groaning from the sufferings
caused by illnesses, how graciously and happily I receive the
sufferings so that my little offering though like specks of dust
may contribute to the work of salvation by the Lord." Amen