The Holy
Eucharist that descended on Aug 27, 1997

August 27, 1997, while Fr. Spies and other
pilgrims were praying the Rosary in the
Chapel, the Eucharist suddenly descended
from the Crucifix to the floor before Fr.
Spies and Julia.
Eucharist that descended at that time had
exactly the same image as the One that descended
two months earlier on June 12 during Bishop
Kim's visit.
Fr. Raymond Spies and his
companion came to the Blessed Mother's House in Naju at about 11:30 a.m. on
August 27, 1997. They were praying the rosary together with
Julia. While they were praying the
rosary, Julia saw light radiating from the Crucifix. Soon Julia began suffering
pains in reparation for abortions. Her abdomen became swollen.
August 27, 1997, while Fr. Spies and other
pilgrims were praying the Rosary in the
Chapel, the Eucharist suddenly descended
from the Crucifix to the floor before Fr.
Spies and Julia. The spot on the floor where
the Eucharist landed has been giving off
a sweet fragrance ever since.
Fr. Spies, Fr. Francis
Elsinger from Hong Kong and Julia worshipping the Eucharist
When the Holy Eucharist
descended, Julia was suffering pains in reparation for the sins of abortion in
the world. |
Julia's abdomen became swollen in reparation for the sins of
abortion in the world and when Fr. Spies prayed holding the Eucharist
her abdomen returned to its normal size. |
Witnesses to the Eucharistic
miracle |
The spot on the floor where
the Eucharist landed has been giving off
a sweet fragrance until now.

At about 11:30 p.m. on the
same day, Fr. Thomas More Jong-Pyo Cheong, a member of the Naju
Investigating Committee, came by order of Archbishop
Victorinus Kong-Hee Youn of the Kwangju Archdiocese. Before taking the Eucharist
from the Chapel to the Archdiocesan office, Fr. Cheong worshipped the Eucharist.
Fr. Thomas More Jong-Pyo Cheong is placing the Sacred Host in a pyx to bring It to the Kwangju Archdiocesan office in obedience to Archbishop Youn's
instruction. |
Julia kissing the pyx that
contained the Eucahrist before Fr. Thomas More Jong-Pyo Cheong left the
Chapel |
Miracle and message on
August 27, 1997
At about 11:40 a.m., while I was praying before
the Blessed Mother's statue in the Chapel together with Fr. Raymond Spies and
other pilgrims, I saw beautiful light radiating like the sunlight from the
Crucifix and the Blessed Mother's statue. When we were praying the Third
Glorious Mystery of the rosary, the Holy Eucharist came down from above. It was
approximately 12 noon.
At about 6 p.m., I was again praying before the
Blessed Mother's statue, worshipping and praying to the Sacred Host placed in
front of the Blessed Mother's statue. At about 6:40 p.m., the Crucifix and the
Blessed Mothe's statue became bright and the Blessed Mother began speaking
through her statue with a very sorrowful voice.
My beloved daughter! Even those who say that they
know me are spiritually blind and deaf and cannot see or understand. This
Mother's Heart is being so overwhelmed with sorrows that it is
My Son Jesus, Who is divine, deserves all the
power, honor, glory and worship, but comes to you in person in the form of
bread, hiding all of His Power, Dignity, Divinity and Humanity in order to save
the children who have gotten lost and are wandering. However, (some people who)
have seen so many Signs of Love until now think that the Holy Eucharist, which
is the Substance of Jesus, Who is alive, is breathing and wants to be with you,
is just a host, and they judge . . .
Ah! I am sad. The number of the children who
understand the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, truly accept it, and make the Real
Presence in the Holy Eucharist known is extremely small.
The Blessed Mother wept so sorrowfully, as if her
Heart was being torn apart. A while later, she resumed speaking with a sorrowful
and anxious voice.
My beloved children! My Son Jesus, Who has become
covered with Blood on the Cross and is wearing the crown of thorns instead of a
royal crown, comes to you because of His Love in order to save even those who
are most wicked. The Lord, Who is your Savior, loves all the children in the
world so much that He comes to you in the form of bread. However, (people) are
wasting time uttering useless words instead of thanking Him and worshipping Him
with fervent love and a devoted heart. Hurriedly worship and pray to the Holy
Eucharist, which is the Bread of Life, with a most sublime heart, and, thus, do
reparations for the insults that my Son Jesus, Who is truly present in the Holy
Eucharist, has received and give consolation to Him.
Children! My beloved children! There is no time to
pause or hesitate. Hurriedly spread the messages of my Immaculate Heart that is
burning with love to the children in the world and, thus, help the poor and
pitiful children, who are mired in sins, gain a new life and be
Many children in the world have lost their sense
of direction in the middle of a whirlpool of confusion, are unable to discern,
are spiritually confused and unstable, and are trying to follow false prophets
like the people who have become so weak that they are reduced to skin and bones.
The devils must be overjoyed.
Therefore, wake up from sleep hurriedly and
respond to this Mother's pleas, which she makes to you shedding tears and tears
of blood, and turn your lives into prayers. Cry out to the children in the world
so that the devils, who have been afflicting you, may be finished off and you
may gain Heaven.
All of you, whom I have chosen, must unite with
each other with a greater love and must soften the just anger of God as little
souls. You must realize that God can make you successful and prosperous, but He
can also exterminate you and sweep you away. I want all of you to wake up
hurriedly and be saved, offering up fervent prayers and practicing
When the Blessed Mother ended speaking, the light
disappeared and it became quiet.